Research Outputs

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    Lessonia berteroana en Perú: Comprobación de la identidad de la especie y diversidad genética en el borde norte de distribución
    (Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2020) ;
    Pérez-Araneda, Karla
    Zevallos, Sheyla
    Arakaki, Natalia
    Gamarra, Alex
    Carbajal, Patricia
    Harvest pressure on brown macroalgae of the Lessonia genus has increased in recent years in Peru and Chile, due to the high demand from the global hydrocolloid industry. After a taxonomic review, in 2012, the intertidal species Lessonia nigrescens was segregated into two species, being L. berteroana distributed in southern Peru and northern Chile (17-30°S). Based on genetic tools we confirm the identification as L. berteroana and report its presence up to 15°23’S. It is recommended to update the status of the species into Peruvian regulations and scientific publications.
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    Taxonomic position of the two sympatric forms of Chondracanthus chamissoi (f. lessonii and f. chauvinii) (Rhodophyta, Gigartinaceae) by using two molecular markers
    (Latin american journal of aquatic research, 2021) ;
    Rodríguez, Catalina
    Pérez-Araneda, Karla
    The red seaweed Chondracanthus chamissoi shows high morphological variability. Initially, three species were identified based on the width of the main axis of their blades. Later, all of them were included in a single species with two morphological groups. Recently, quantitative studies demonstrated the existence of two forms in C. chamissoi: f. lessonii and f. chauvinii. It was also shown that these two forms occur in sympatry, growing side by side. These forms were not associated with either a life cycle phase or the sex of the blades. This study aimed to determine whether the two forms could represent different species. We evaluated the forms' taxonomic position using COI and rbcL markers, including samples from three localities in southern Chile. All specimens shared a single rbcL haplotype, whereas the two COI haplotypes differed by four base pairs and were present in blades of both forms and life cycle phases. The two morphological types correspond to intraspecific forms. This species is of commercial importance, and its main market is aimed at human consumption with a marked preference for f. lessonii.