Research Outputs

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Lessonia berteroana en Perú: Comprobación de la identidad de la especie y diversidad genética en el borde norte de distribución

2020, Dra. Tellier, Florence, Pérez-Araneda, Karla, Zevallos, Sheyla, Arakaki, Natalia, Gamarra, Alex, Carbajal, Patricia

Harvest pressure on brown macroalgae of the Lessonia genus has increased in recent years in Peru and Chile, due to the high demand from the global hydrocolloid industry. After a taxonomic review, in 2012, the intertidal species Lessonia nigrescens was segregated into two species, being L. berteroana distributed in southern Peru and northern Chile (17-30°S). Based on genetic tools we confirm the identification as L. berteroana and report its presence up to 15°23’S. It is recommended to update the status of the species into Peruvian regulations and scientific publications.