Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    The influence of emotion in the management of amateur football organizations
    (Frontiers in psychology, 2020) ; ;
    Prado Gasco, Vicente Javier
    Alguacil Jiménez, Mario
    This article is oriented to the analysis of organizational and emotional variables in amateur sporting organizations. The general objective is to analyze the influence of organizational variables such as service quality, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership and emotional variables such as affective commitment, emotional attachment investment, and emotional attachment dividend to predict the credibility that members of amateur sporting organizations perceive, as well as their degree of identification and loyalty. The opinions of 203 members of Chilean amateur football teams [169 men and 34 women, with ages between 18 and 68 years (mean = 32.75 years, DT = 9.92)] have been analyzed through a self-completed questionnaire. To reach the objectives, two types of differential but complementary analyses, in the form of hierarchical regression models (from hereon, HRMs) and qualitative comparative analysis (from hereon, QCA), were performed. The results obtained suggest that the organizational variables are better predictors than the emotional variables in all of the cases. In the same way, the inclusion of the emotional variables improves the predictive capacity of the proposed models to explain identification and loyalty, but not in the case of credibility. In general, the variables considered seem to explain 37% of the credibility, 56% of loyalty, and 65% of identification. On the other hand, considering the results of the QCA, no variable turned out to be necessary. However, different combinations of variables (conditions) were observed that were able to explain between 47 and 91% of the cases of the variables analyzed. In general, based on these results, it was observed that the emotional variables were important in interaction with other organizational ones since they are present in the three combinations that most explain identification and loyalty and are also present in the three combinations that most explain credibility. This study contributes to the literature by supporting the importance of managing emotions in order for sporting organizations to be more successful.
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    Variables asociadas al rendimiento exitoso de los equipos de trabajo del curso Gestión de Equipos. Un estudio desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes
    (Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE) / UNIVERSIA, 2020) ;
    Yániz-Álvarez-de-Eulate, Concepción
    En esta investigación caracterizamos las variables asociadas con la efectividad de los equipos de trabajo de una muestra de estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Como estrategia metodológica se utilizó un estudio cualitativo basado en el análisis de las variables asociadas al modelo de rendimiento “entrada-proceso-salida” en contextos del desarrollo de nuevos productos, para el cual se entrevistaron a equipos de estudiantes. Los resultados del análisis indican que aspectos tales como la composición del equipo, el liderazgo especialmente compartido, la claridad de objetivos, entre otros, afectan la eficacia y la eficiencia del trabajo en equipo como también los aprendizajes obtenidos tanto a nivel individual como en equipo.
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    Design and validation of the Assessment of Learning Scale (EEA)
    (Profesorado, 2017) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Alvarez-de-Eulate, Concepción
    Villardon-Gallego, Lourdes
    El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido diseñar y validar un instrumento para evaluar la práctica evaluadora en la enseñanza universitaria desde un enfoque de Evaluación Orientada al Aprendizaje, caracterizado por incorporar las actividades de evaluación como actividades de aprendizaje, implicar a los estudiantes en el proceso y ofrecer retroalimentación con información precisa para orientar cambios hacia la mejora del aprendizaje. Para ello se elaboró la Escala sobre la Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (EEA) y se aplicó a una muestra de 1205 estudiantes de una Universidad Chilena. A partir de los datos recogidos se evaluaron las propiedades psicométricas de la escala propuesta así como su capacidad para reflejar los conceptos teóricos y constructos utilizados. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó el método de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS, partial least squares) en un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM, structural equation modeling). Los resultados indican que la escala es válida y fiable para medir el proceso de evaluación de los aprendizajes. Se han corroborado la fiabilidad de los ítems y de las dimensiones, y su validez discriminante y convergente. En consecuencia, los resultados de la investigación permiten confirmar el modelo teórico de nueve dimensiones de la Evaluación Orientada al Aprendizaje: coherencia entre objetivos de aprendizaje y evaluación, cobertura, utilización de los resultados, planificación, contenidos, sistematización, agentes, retroalimentación y momentos.
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    The role of organizational justice in the customer orientation–performance relationship
    (Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2020)
    Trincado Muñoz, Francisco
    Valenzuela Fernández, Leslier
    Purpose: While companies have increasingly encouraged employees to adopt a customer orientation, less attention has been given to the impact that customer orientation has on employees' job outcomes and performance. Previous research has used job demands-resource theory (JD-R) and proposed several mechanisms through which customer orientation influences performance, yet the intervening variables in the process have shown inconsistent results. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the contextual role of organizational justice on the relationship between customer orientation and performance through work engagement. In this way, offering more understanding of the contingent effects that intervene in the customer orientation–performance relationship. Design/methodology/approach: Using a structural equation model (SEM) in a sample of 249 marketing, sales and management managers in Chilean companies, this paper tested different hypotheses concerning the role of work engagement, organizational justice and customer orientation in relation to perceived performance. Findings: This study informs that organizational justice (procedural and distributive justice) moderates the relationship between customer orientation and performance through work engagement. Precisely, the findings reveal that at lower values of organizational justice, changes in customer orientation negatively influence work engagement and in turn performance. Originality/value: The results contribute to strengthening customer orientation theory by integrating a contextual variable often omitted: organizational justice. By exploring the moderation effect of organizational justice on customer orientation, this paper reveals contingent effects of employees' perceived fairness on the organization in the relationship between customer orientation and performance through work engagement. The findings encourage managers to look after employees' perceived organizational justice when they implement customer-oriented approaches, in particular, of those employees who work in the frontline sales and service positions. © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited.
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    Teamwork competency scale (TCS) from the individual perspective in university students
    (Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2022) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Yániz-Álvarez-de-Eulate, Concepción
    The main purpose of this study was to design and validate a scale to assess the teamwork competency of undergraduate students (TCS, Teamwork Competency Scale). The research instrument designed and subjected to validation has nine specific dimensions: Collective effectiveness, learning orientation, group goal setting, planning and coordination, communication, conflict management, problem solving, performance monitoring and supportive behaviour. The instrument was validated using a sample of 802 first-year students at a university in Chile. The method of partial least squares (PLS) was used within a structural equation modelling (SEM) framework for statistical analysis. The results show that the TCS is a valid and reliable research instrument for the assessment of teamwork competency in undergraduate students.
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    Stress and turnover intentions within healthcare teams: The mediating role of psychological safety, and the moderating effect of COVID-19 worry and supervisor support
    (Frontiers, 2022) ;
    Trincado Munoz, Francisco
    Ortega, Karina
    Employees at healthcare organizations are experiencing more stress than ever given the current COVID-19 pandemic. Different types of stress are affecting diverse organizational outcomes, including the employees’ voluntary turnover. This is the case of cognitive stress, a type of stress that affects how individuals process information, which can influence employees’ turnover intentions. In this study, we look at the mechanisms that can reduce the adverse effects of cognitive stress on turnover intentions, particularly the role of employees’ perceived psychological safety (i.e., how safe they perceive the interactions with their colleagues are). We hypothesize that psychological safety mediates the relationship between cognitive stress and turnover intentions, and COVID-19 worry and supervisor support moderate the relationship between cognitive stress and psychological safety. To test our hypothesis, we invited two public health care organizations in Chile to join this study. In total, we obtained a sample of 146 employees in 21 different teams. Using a multilevel model, we found that psychological safety prevents the harmful effects of cognitive stress on employees’ turnover intentions. In addition, while COVID-19 worry can worsen the relationship between cognitive stress and psychological safety, supervisor support only directly affects psychological safety. This study contributes to expanding the stress and psychological safety literature and informs practitioners in healthcare organizations about how to deal with cognitive stress in the “new normality” that the pandemic has brought.
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    Impact of cooperative learning on teamwork competence
    (Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2019) ;
    Yaniz-Alvarez-de-Eulate, Concepción
    Jara, Mauricio
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of a classroom application of the cooperative learning (CL) methodology on nine dimensions of business students’ teamwork competence (TC). Design/methodology/approach – The authorsused a quasi-experimental pre-post design with a previous cohortas control group (first-year students from the year prior to treatment application), applying treatment to a sample of 228 first-year students in a School of Economics and Business at a Chilean University (114 as treatment and 114 as control). Findings – Theauthors’ resultsshow thatCL had a positive, significant influence on five dimensions of TC: collective efficacy, planning, goal setting, problem solving and conflict management. Research limitations/implications – This paper upholds the importance and effectiveness of CL in developing TC. However, the evidence suggests that the effectiveness of the CL methodology was limited to developmentandimprovementof lesscomplexdimensionsofTC.Morecomplexdimensionsrequirealonger period of time to be developed. Practical implications – This research is an important contribution to the design and implementation of appropriate methodologies for developing a widely needed area of competence in the workplace, considering its multidimensional nature, whether in academia or business. Originality/value – This is the first study to seek empirical evidence that would link the CL methodology with TC. In addition, it fills a gap in the literature on the development of TC in its multiple dimensions. It particularly addresses the training of business professionals.
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    Desarrollo de la actitud emprendedora: Estudio cualitativo de un modelo de formación universitaria
    (Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 2021) ; ;
    Yániz-Álvarez-De-Eulate, Concepción
    Desarrollar la actitud emprendedora, componente esencial de la competencia para innovar y emprender, es un objetivo importante de la orientación para el desarrollo profesional propio de la formación universitaria, y una contribución para impulsar el desarrollo económico y social. En esta investigación se estudian las variables principales para la formación de dicha actitud, utilizando un estudio exploratorio basado en un caso único de implementación de un programa universitario de formación de competencias en innovación y emprendimiento llevado a cabo con estudiantes de ingeniería, salud, ciencias sociales, ciencias y economía. Se analiza información proveniente de profesorado, coordinación del programa y estudiantes obtenida con entrevistas, cuestionarios y grupos focales, siguiendo un proceso inductivo-deductivo con ayuda del software MAXQDA12. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento del tema: (1) proponiendo la creación de un ecosistema de aprendizaje como el elemento más relevante en la formación de la actitud emprendedora, (2) identificando los elementos que componen dicho ecosistema (programa formativo, estudiantes y ecosistema de emprendimiento regional) y cómo interactúan, y (3) destacando el carácter sistémico del proceso que forma la actitud emprendedora. Como conclusión se observa que la implementación de este programa impulsa la orientación para el desarrollo profesional dentro de la universidad, y de esta con el entorno público y privado que dan forma a un ecosistema de emprendimiento, lo que contribuye con la comprensión del papel que pueden jugar las universidades en la orientación para el desarrollo profesional mediante procesos formativos en emprendimiento y el fortalecimiento de ecosistemas de emprendimiento regional.
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    Post-disaster recovery for family firms: The role of owner motivations, firm resources, and dynamic capabilities
    Natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes and pandemics) negatively affect firms and their stakeholders. These disasters disrupt the operations of firms and lives of people by generating a shock in the system. Small firms are especially vulnerable to the shocks and disturbances resulting from these disasters. Since small firms, especially family firms, are key economic contributors and agents of recovery in any community, understanding their post-disaster recovery processes is critical. Therefore, this study examines the post-disaster recovery processes of small family firms. We utilize a grounded theory approach to analyze and propose that resources and socioemotional wealth priorities influence the post-disaster recovery of small family firms. Utilizing the 8.8 Richter scale earthquake in Chile in 2010 as a natural disaster, we examine the eight-year lagged data of 20 small family firms with disrupted operations. Our findings have important implications for small firms experiencing the negative consequences of disruptions, including those experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic-induced disruption.