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    Habilidades tecnológicas para el aprendizaje. Experiencias del estudiantado chileno
    (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2024) ; ;
    Muñoz-Barahona, Regner
    La sociedad se encuentra en una transición sociocultural provocando la aceleración del desarrollo de habilidades tecnológicas. La pandemia por covid-19 y post pandemia generó nuevos escenarios educativos en el mundo. Desarrollar Habilidades tecnológicas es lo que permite al estudiante desenvolverse de manera eficaz en los nuevos contextos de aprendizaje. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las habilidades tecnológicas para el aprendizaje (HTPA) que posee el estudiante de 6.º año de primaria y 2.º año de secundaria para establecer relaciones entre la percepción sobre htpa, el tipo de establecimiento, el nivel educativo y el desarrollo de actividades prácticas mediante dichas habilidades. El enfoque es cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo-correlacional. Los instrumentos fueron aplicados a una muestra de 665 estudiantes. Se aplicó un cuestionario que evaluó la percepción que tiene el estudiante respecto de sus htpa, y una actividad práctica para demostrar habilidades tecnológicas en un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA). Ambos instrumentos fueron creados con las siguientes dimensiones: Información, Comunicación y Colaboración, Convivencia Digital y Tecnológica. Los principales resultados indican que los estudiantes tienen diferentes percepciones y que algunas no son coherentes con las acciones prácticas realizadas.
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    Importancia de la revisión por pares en la construcción del conocimiento: una mirada desde la Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética
    (2024) ;
    Gamero, Amparo
    Pérez-Armijo, Patricio
    Pérez-Esteve, Edgar
    Petermann-Rocha, Fanny
    Fernández-Villa, Tania
    Lozano-Lorca, Macarena
    Pérez-López, Alberto
    García-Galbis, Manuel Reing
    Carrillo-Alvarez, Elena
    Kouiti, Malak
    Bonilla, Diego A
    Apolinar-Jiménez, Evelina
    Nava-González, Edna
    Girón-Hernández, Joel
    Almendra-Pegueros, Rafael
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    Mangiferin: A comprehensive review on its extraction, purification and uses in food systems
    (Elsevier, 2024)
    Castro-Muñoz, Roberto
    Plata-Gryl, Maksymilian
    With the target of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies look for natural-based nutraceuticals that can potentially improve the physicochemical properties of food systems while being nutritive to the consumer and providing additional health benefits (biological activities). In this regard, Mangiferin joins all these requirements as a potential nutraceutical, which is typically contained in Mangifera indica products and its by-products. Unfortunately, knowing the complex chemical composition of Mango and its by-products, the extraction and purification of Mangiferin remains a challenge. Therefore, this comprehensive review revises the main strategies proposed by scientists for the extraction and purification of Mangiferin. Importantly, this review identifies that there is no report reviewing and criticizing the literature in this field so far. Our attention has been targeted on the timely findings on the primary extraction techniques and the relevant insights into isolation and purification. Our discussion has emphasized the advantages and limitations of the proposed strategies, including solvents, extracting conditions and key interactions with the target xanthone. Additionally, we report the current research gaps in the field after analyzing the literature, as well as some examples of functional food products containing Mangiferin.
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    Electrochemical properties of nanoscale Cu Co spinel ferrite system: A promising positive electrode for high performance supercapacitors
    (Elsevier, 2024)
    Murugan, A
    Siva, V
    Shameem, A
    Deepika, R
    Bharathkumar, S
    Asath-Bahadur, S
    There is an enormous demand for energy storage applications with a high specific capacity, superior energy and power density, and long-life cycles because of the increase in portable electronic appliances. The use of ternary metal oxide electrode materials for energy storage applications in supercapacitors based on multi-redox sites has gained more attention from researchers due to their outstanding specific capacitance and numerous redox sites. Copper cobalt ferrites (CuCoFe2O4) nanoparticles (NPs) have been synthesised by the simple microwave combustion method and employed as a positive electrode material for energy storage in supercapacitors (SCs). To study the physical and electrochemical properties of the prepared nanoparticles by XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDX, HR-TEM, and electrochemical analysis have been carried out. X-ray diffraction planes indicating the cubic spinel structure with a space group of Fd-3m and the crystalline phase purity of the synthesised CuCoFe2O4 NPs were also characterized by Rietveld refinement. HR-TEM analysis of the existing agglomeration of particles and SAED pattern shows the excellent crystalline nature of the materials. The CuCoFe2O4 electrode obtained an outstanding specific capacitance of 237.5 F g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 current density in a 3 M KOH electrolyte in a standard three-electrode system. Further fabricated of a solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) device by using CuCoFe2O4 NPs and activated carbon (AC) as the positive and negative electrodes, respectively. This ASC device offers a superior energy density value of 16 Wh kg−1 and a power density of 8048 W kg−1. In addition, the ASCs device exhibits cycle stability of 82 % after 10,000 GCD charge and discharge cycles at a current density of 40 A g−1, displaying its high cycling stability.
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    Tailoring cellulose-based hydrogels by phosphorylation of unbleached kraft pulps for adsorption applications
    (Springer, 2024)
    Carrillo-Varela, Isabel
    Albornoz, Milenka
    Reyes-González, Isidora
    Aguayo, María Graciela
    Reyes-Contreras, Pablo
    Pereira, Miguel
    Teixeira Mendonça, Regis
    Industrialization and human activities have exacerbated water pollution, demanding effective pollutant removal methods. Bio-based hydrogels, with their high porosity and extensive surface area, hold promise for this purpose. Cellulose is a suitable biopolymer for gel fabrication; however, the adsorption capacity of unmodified raw cellulose fibers often falls short of performance expectations due to the lack of strong binding sites. Therefore, this study investigates how different cellulose fiber types, chemical treatments, and solvent systems influence hydrogel properties for adsorption applications. Hydrogels were prepared from phosphorylated and unphosphorylated unbleached kraft pulps (UKP) derived from eucalyptus and pine using NMMO and IL solvent systems. Phosphorylation increased the surface charge of UKP from ~ 0.05 to ~ 2.3 mmol/g. However, the surface charge of phosphorylated samples decreased to 0.5–0.72 mmol/g after coagulation into hydrogels. Hydrogels prepared from phosphorylated UKP exhibited superior properties compared to the unphosphorylated counterparts, including increased specific surface area (12–64 m2/g to 53–95 m2/g), swelling capacity (1930–2800% to 3400–4800%), and higher MB adsorption capacity (13–30 mg/g to 156–291 mg/g). When comparing solvent systems, the NMMO-based hydrogel showed enhanced surface area and pore characteristics, while the IL-based hydrogel exhibited increased MB adsorption capacity (291 mg/g vs. 233 mg/g). Although pine-derived hydrogels had lower MB adsorption than eucalyptus-derived ones (156 mg/g vs. 291 mg/g), both showed comparable adsorption performance for Cu2+ ions (~ 40 mg/g). Overall, the IL-derived hydrogel from phosphorylated eucalyptus UKP proved most effective for removing MB and Cu2+ from aqueous solutions. These findings contribute to advancing cellulose-based hydrogels for efficient adsorption in wastewater treatment.
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    Motivation and Mathematical Performance Using Digital Game-Based Learning in Kindergarten
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
    Varas-Pavez, Antonia
    Balladares, Jaime
    Peake, Christian
    This study investigates the relationship between intrinsic motivation, mathematics performance, and digital game-based learning (DGBL) in kindergarten students. The research sample comprised 292 children aged 5 to 6 years from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Instruments included an adapted Children’s Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction Scale for measuring motivation and the Woodcock-Muñoz IV battery for mathematical assessment. DGBL was implemented using software designed for training early numeracy skills. Descriptive and correlational analyses revealed significant positive correlations between intrinsic motivation and general mathematical knowledge. However, no significant correlations were found between motivation and early numeracy skills in the DGBL environment. The findings highlight the importance of intrinsic motivation in early mathematical learning and suggest the potential effectiveness of DGBL in promoting mathematical skills, contributing to reducing the gap of knowledge at this educational level. This study provides valuable insights for educators seeking to enhance mathematical learning through intrinsic motivation and DGBL strategies in kindergarten education.
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    El encuentro como categoría metafísica en la filosofía de François Jullien
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024)
    La propuesta de Jullien se caracteriza por poner de relieve análisis sobre la existencia cotidiana que la tradición filosófica había tomado por demasiado contingentes y, por lo mismo, había dejado al tratamiento del arte, la poesía y la literatura. En este sentido, el filósofo ha tenido como una de sus líneas de trabajo la temática del encuentro y la intimidad entre sujetos. El objetivo de esta investigación es buscar si la noción de "encuentro" tiene consecuencias metafísicas y no sólo antropológicas en su doctrina. Y, viceversa, indagaremos si, según Jullien, la disposición o no al encuentro y el ingreso del otro a la existencia depende de determinadas posiciones metafísicas previas.
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    Divorcio por culpa y abandono de hogar: ¿Basta el mero alejamiento de uno de los cónyuges?
    (LegalPublishing, 2016)
    En el presente trabajo, a través de un análisis jurisprudencial y doctrinario, y postulando la existencia de divergencias en nuestros tribunales a la hora de considerar el divorcio culpable fundado en el abandono del hogar común, se plantea la necesidad de dar luces sobre el correcto sentido y alcance de esta hipótesis de divorcio por culpa, concluyendo que el mero alejamiento del hogar no basta para configurar la causal en estudio, sino que se requiere además la existencia de una transgresión a los deberes de asistencia y socorro.
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    Collaborative work for educational inclusion in times of a Covid-19 pandemic, through ICT RISTI
    (Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2023) ;
    Sagredo-Lillo, Emilio
    Salamanca-Garay, Ignacio
    Raby, María
    Sagredo-Concha, Isidora
    Soto-Fuentes, Alejandro
    Para la inclusión educativa de estudiantes con necesidades de apoyo, los docentes deben trabajar colaborativamente, aquello ha sido difícil y podría ser aún más, en Pandemia por Covid 19 y obligatoriedad de teletrabajo. El objetivo fue analizar las representaciones que docentes tienen del trabajo colaborativo, para educar a estudiantes con NEE, en contextos virtuales. Se trabajó con estudios de casos y análisis con teoría fundamentada. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad presencial y virtual. Entre los principales resultados están: 1. El Trabajo Colaborativo es principalmente individual y asistencialista desde los educadores diferenciales. 2. En el contexto virtual, se ha agudizado la exclusión, debido a que, se trabaja sin colaborar, faltan competencias tecnológicas y nadie los ha apoyado.